How do real estate brokers work?

How do real estate brokers work? Each participant of the game on the real estate market, regardless of whether it is a manager responsible for the sale in a real estate development company, its employee, or an individual person planning to buy a flat, should learn as much as possible about the negotiation system for the purchase and sale of real estate. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of this knowledge, considering the fact that the interests of both groups, i.e. sellers and buyers, are extremely divergent, and the method of bringing the parties’ expectations closer, which is the basis for reaching an agreement and finalizing the transaction, depends precisely on the methods and results of the negotiations.

Negotiations and negotiations

Techniques and methods of negotiation, which are developed in terms of influencing the adversary and obtaining the desired results by the negotiator, are a very broad and constantly developing field of specialist knowledge, playing an increasingly important role in every activity, including the real estate market. If you remember that the goal of negotiations is not to win by defeating your opponent, but to work out a result that will be satisfactory for both parties – it becomes obvious that you need to familiarize yourself with the basic concepts, even in terms of slogans. They will allow you to avoid manipulation, sterile war on arguments or mutual fixing with words that do not lead to the desired goals, but will ensure partner participation in a game that has strictly defined rules that guarantee mutual success.

Important elements of the negotiation system

When signaling the basic issues within this system, attention should be paid to a wider understanding of such issues as:

– differentiation of negotiations into: hard and soft, single and multi-faceted, problem and positional,

– negotiation styles, including the five main ones, i.e. compromise, domination, adaptation, avoidance and integrative negotiation,

– negotiation techniques such as: concessions, the “Good-Bad Guy” technique, the hypothetical situation technique, the technique of limited competences or finally time-limiting techniques,

– the main elements of the negotiation such as: BATNA, aspiration point and bottom line.

In negotiations regarding issues such as purchase or sale of real estate, the issue of the essence of the price of the real estate becomes a particularly important element. It is necessary to know whether it is a key and borderline element, whether it is flexible and to what extent. Hence, on the real estate market, special tactics have been developed to present the price, which can be signaled as:

– logical argumentation, consisting in indicating the consequences related to the use and adoption of various price solutions related to the real estate offered,

– various methods of justifying the proposed price, such as “the principle of unavailability”, “limited offer”, “funny money”, “shocking offer”, etc.

– seemingly involuntary and at the same time introducing the price to the conversation as an insignificant element and a side thread in the face of numerous advantages and benefits of the proposed offer.

Manipulations in negotiations and ways to counteract them

Both the purchase and sale of real estate is a particularly sensitive field and susceptible to all kinds of manipulations by each of the parties involved in the negotiations, which in this way try to tip the scales towards their own benefits, using methods and techniques that have little in common with the principles of fair negotiation. After all, the game is about big money and each, even seemingly minor victory may result in sums of considerable importance. Therefore, basic knowledge in this field is necessary, which will help you defend yourself against the techniques of the other party or use the advantage in this field to strengthen your position or obtain an additional bonus. The most popular techniques of this wide range include bluffing, the so-called “Low ball”, “Good policeman – bad policeman” and many other techniques based on causing an emotional swing in the adversary. They are all based on the strategies of upsetting the other party and playing on their emotions, which in turn is to lead to confusion, wrong assessment of the situation and making decisions not directly suggested by the other party. As in any psychological game, also in the case of buying or selling real estate, defense is based primarily on identifying the other party’s strategies and negotiation techniques, which allows you to control your own emotions, control them and take a counterattack by consciously influencing the manipulator’s emotions. . A correct, assertive and unemotional answer is the best weapon against attempts to misinform and make false suggestions.

Paying attention to the basic problems related to the role and significance of the negotiation system in the context of buying and selling real estate only signals how important the knowledge of this issue becomes, not only for portfolios, but the broadly understood result of activities on the real estate market.


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